What You Need to Know

  • If you’ve been in other groups, you may be used to doing an exerccise, listening to a lesson, going round the circle to share. And while these aspects are part of temple, we come together with specific rituals and practices designed to open us to receive and embody the energy, to drop the mind and get straight to the divine wisdom within.

  • Not to worry, the idea is to come with a fire source of your choice. Sisters range in their “Firepit” set up from:

    —indoor candle

    —indoor fireplace

    —indoor clean, mini firepit

    —porch City Bonfire

    —outdoor grill

    —outdoor chimenea

    —above ground cast iron firepit

    —inground campfire firepit

    (Warning: your Ego may want to judge your fire equipment as deficient and stop you from attending this temple even though your heart is calling you to it. Don’t let it convince you!)

  • More than anything, bring an Open Heart and your willingness to go the distance to the other side of your transformation. Secondly, we practice safety first, any or all are good to have on hand:

    —Trivet or Clay Plate

    —Long Lighter

    —Skewer or Metal Tongs


    —Essential Oil

    —Drinking Water

    —Fire Extinguisher

  • As we transcend Time and Space, we use Zoom to connect us from all parts of the US and beyond. The temple is designed as a Live experience, meaning it requires your active participation to bring it to life, and sisters “Firepit” anywhere from their home office and laptop to their mobile or tablet devices in their back yard firepit.

  • No problem. The temple is always recorded and a shared replay link is provided to all those who have signed up. Because our lives are the initiation, there are always ample opportunities to “Firepit” ourselves through our blocks to Love, and thus for both those who come live and those who catch it later, the replay is used equally for both to support the healing that comes up to complete and prepare themselves for the next 28 day moon cycle.

  • You can expect as much support as you can receive. There are two ways to connect, via What’sApp and Facebook, private spaces. Here you can extend and receive support of other Firepit Priestess members going through the process of revealing more and more of their true selves and that may look like joy, heartbreak, ecstasy, pain and anywhere in between, although many have noticed that the more they ritual and burn, they more their life uplevels through grace and ease from moon cycle to moon cycle.

  • You can work with Rose in-between each full moon temple by working with her one on one in an insight revealing “fire” session designed to support you as you shift moon frequencies every 28 days and in-between.