Meet Rose

As creatrix of Firepit Priestess, temple guide and spiritual practitioner Rose Mulroney serves to call in women who see the chaos of life unfolding and walk towards it, ready to dance in the flames of transmutation.

You will quickly discover that you can be real with her and revel in the Truth and Beauty of who you already are, unconditionally.

Each of her offerings, whether virtual or in person, are highly experiential – firepit along with Rose every step of the way — as you’re guided in a unique way to transform your life by burning that which no longer serves you and unlock and unleash a purified fire of your heart’s desire.

It is her joy, passion and pleasure to guide you into and through this inner journey as we tune in and pull down aspects of the full moon energy whether you join her in temple ritual, Facebook Firepit Fridays, or in-between at one on one Fire Sessions.